PDA batteries widely employ either a Lithium-ion or a Lithium-polymer chemical composition and so it leads us to question why? Why is lithium ever-present in PDA Batteries today?
We know that since millions of people own PDAs (for every purpose imaginable) it is understandable that a rechargable power cell be available. In fact if it wasn't for lithium I would find it rather astonishing that PDA's would be so widely used today. Lithium makes recharging your PDA battery cost-effective. So what exactly is lithium?
General Characteristics of Lithium
* Name: lithium
* Symbol: Li
* Atomic number: 3
* Atomic weight: [ 6.941 (2)] g m r
* CAS Registry ID: 7439-93-2
* Group number: 1
* Group name: Alkali metal
* Period number: 2
* Block: s-block
* Standard state: solid at 298 K
* color: silvery white/grey
* Classification: Metallic
Lithium is used, amongst many other uses, as a battery anode material (due to its high electrochemical potential) and lithium compounds are used in dry cells and storage batteries. In fact the energy of some lithium-based cells can be five times greater than an equivalent-sized lead-acid cell and three times greater than alkaline batteries. Lithium cells often have a starting voltage of 3.0 V. This means that batteries can be lighter in weight, have lower per-use costs, and have higher and more stable voltage profiles.
For a scientific review of Lithium visit http://www.webelements.com/webelements/elements/text/Li/index.html
Until next time – Dan Hagopian, Batteryship.com
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